Birth Preparation Workshops

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Birth Preparation Workshops

The Pregnancy hub is a collaboration of NJD Sports injury centre and A Gentle Journey, and is born from the need for a single space where people can access support in pregnancy, for birth and during the postnatal period. Our team provide everything you need for physical and emotional well-being as you move through your pregnancy and prepare for birth, continuing on into postnatal recovery and ensuring you have a positive experience every step of the way. Services available include antenatal yoga and pilates, Hypnobirthing, pregnancy relaxation and postnatal pilates.

Birth preparation workshops are just part of what we offer and they allow you to focus on specific elements of your pregnancy and birth.


ONLINE- 11th April 2021

Finding a way to prepare for your baby’s birth as a team alongside your partner, in a way that works for both of you, is a real challenge. Our Couples Birth Preparation Workshop is a truly unique experience for you and your birth partner to help you prepare together for a confident, positive birth experience.

The workshop, run by 2 experienced instructors, combines hypnobirthing, antenatal education, pregnancy yoga, relaxation skills and physiological support

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  • Partner based activities including active birth and yoga movements, rebozo techniques, birthing ball exercises and birthing positions.
  • Learn and practice partner massage and acupressure techniques for pain reduction and endorphin release
  • Hypnobirthing, breathing and relaxation practice to help you both stay calm in the moment.
  • Birth preparation Yoga
  • Birth Partner Focus Workshop

Unlike some workshops we have the advantage of 2 instructors, which allows us to split into two groups. Those who are pregnant can take part in a birth preparation yoga class, whilst birth partners have a separate Birth Partner Focus workshop.

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A dedicated opportunity for birth partners to learn practical, evidence-based tips and techniques in a space where they can be honest about their concerns or questions, and even ask questions they may not feel comfortable asking you. They will gain a scientific understanding of just how essential support is in the birth room.

  • Learn practical birthing preparation techniques that can be practised alone or with your partner
  • Understand the physiology of labour, what makes it start and what can cause it to slow down
  • Explore how to become more comfortable and ease discomfort during pregnancy and labour
  • Know how both of you can stay in control
  • Develop trust and communication to connect and support each other
  • Feel calm confidence as you approach your birth physically and mentally ready
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Nicola is a Graduate Injury Rehab Therapist with years of experience teaching ante/postnatal Pilates and Yoga, and working in clinic with pregnancy and post-natal related conditions. She specialises in providing movement-based knowledge when working with pelvic girdle pain, diastasis recti, carpel tunnel, pelvic floor health and general physical and mental wellbeing needs during pregnancy and postpartum.

Meg is an experienced birth and postnatal Doula and Hypnobirthing teacher, also providing birth trauma recovery support, breastfeeding peer support and postnatal massage. She specialises in providing unbiased evidence based antenatal education to support people in approaching their birth feeling knowledgeable, confident, empowered and in control.

Our combined knowledge allows us to offer this unique workshop providing everything you need for physical and emotional well-being as you move through your pregnancy to prepare for birth, continuing on into easier postnatal recovery.

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What's Included

  • 2.5 hour online workshop with 2 instructors providing extensive knowledge to support both you and your birth partner
  • Resources pack
  • Positive birth affirmation cards
  • Video recording of the birth preparation yoga class
  • Audio recording of Hypnobirthing relaxation
  • Perineal healing bath soaks
  • Spiky ball for self massage

Online Introductory


  • Limited Spaces Available
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