Fascia & Foam Rolling Masterclass

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Fascia and Myofascial Release: 1 Day CPD

Fascia, Foam Rolling, Self Myofascial Release are currently all buzz words in the fitness and therapy world. This 1 y course will provide you with information and practical skills needed to safely incorporate these techniques for Myofascial release, treatment, functional stability and rehabilitation with your patients /clients.

 Theory will cover the make up of fascia and how the specific "fascial trains" provide movement and support to the body. Furthermore, the effects of imbalances in fascia and movement patterns within the kinetic chain in relation to injury and pain.

We will also cover the latest research around what the Do's and Don't are when it comes to self myofascial release

The practical sessions will involve therapy application to use with clients, and also we will look at sports specific conditioning exercises particularly for runners, and cyclists, great for the rapidly increase market in these sports.

Who can attend?

The course is designed for manual therapists including physios, sports therapists, massage and rehab therapists, osteopaths and fitness instructors/ personal trainers. A appropriate qualification for you industry is needed, and a basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

Course Content

  • Fascia and Fascial trains
  • Movement dysfunction associated with injury
  • Benefits of Foam rolling & Spiky Balls
  • Current Research fort and against
  • Self myofascial release techniques (SMR)
  • Stretching and mobility exercises using the foam roller
  • Stretching and mobility exercises using the Spiky Ball
  • Strengthening and Core Stability exercises
  • Balance training and class games
  • How and when to use in rehabilitation and training
  • Sports Specific foam rolling exercises
  • Key teaching cues for class and 1: 1 environments
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