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We provide bespoke, individual rehabilitation programs for sporting and non sporting related injuries, this may be in a group, 1:1 or home setting. Rehabilitation is the successful restoration following injury back to full level of physical fitness, competition, or function ideally, in the shortest, safest, possible time. This maybe following a sporting injury, a recent trauma related injury such as a road traffic accident, surgery of joint replacement, or through to recurring long standing injuries from work, or exercise.

Rehab focuses on the specific strengthening, stretching and stabilising exercises required for you to correct imbalances and compensations associated with the cause of your injury. Pre-hab is also used to prevent the injuries reoccurring so you can succeed in your chosen sport, job or hobby without pain.

We use online rehab portals and have developed our own YouTube channel dedicated to our exercises so we can help patients with their rehab program. You may be prescribed some of these exercises as part of your treatment program.

Our Youtube Channel

Online Rehab

We use online rehab portals and have developed our own YouTube channel dedicated to our exercises so we can help patients with their rehab program. You may be prescribed some of these exercises as part of your treatment program.

Our Youtube Channel

Sports Rehabilitation

Our Sports Rehab Therapists are experienced in working with athletes from a variety of sports from novice and weekend warriors to elite level sports helping treat and prevent sports injuries. We try to make your rehab as specific to your sports as we can to keep you motivated, prepare the body for your return to sport. We have many years of experience in sports rehab and developing specialist programs to help you recover the quickest, safest way possible and return to training and competing, whilst reducing injury risk and improving overall performance.

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Prehab - Injury Prevention

What is prehab? Pehab is about identifying underlining weaknesses, mobility restrictions and poor movement patterns before you become injured that may predispose you to risk of injury. After all prevention is the best cure.

We use functional and biomechanics assessments, video and gait analysis to identify these problem areas, and then we provide advice, specific treatment and exercise programs to address these issues.

We also work with sporting individuals and teams helping during pre-season training, or leading towards competition, strength and conditioning programs, weight lifting techniques and functional movement pattern training. This can be on a 1:1 basis or as team training.

Strength and Conditioning

Our team have sports conditioning coaches who can help with developing strength, endurance, speed and power specific to your sporting needs. We have a fully equipped, private gym including Olympic lifting stations, plyometric training equipment and video analysis. Our trainers can help build individual S & C programs focusing on strength, mobility and sports specific needs of an athlete to help reduce injury risk and improve overall performance. We offer 1:1 and group sports conditioning programs