Post Natal MOT

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Post Natal MOT

Our Pregnancy hub also offers a Post Natal MOT; a post natal health check for new mums to help optimise your body's recovery following the birth of your baby.

Your body undergoes massive changes during pregnancy and child birth, and now you have a baby aswell as yourself to take care of. Most women after having a baby have a weakness in either their tummy or pelvic floor muscles and, the lower back and pelvis are also vulnerable after childbirth and when looking after your growing baby.

Photo by Suhyeon Choi

First Session

  • Detailed history of your pregnancy, child birth and current health
  • Assessment of your posture, lower back and pelvis
  • Assessment of your tummy strength and Diastasis Recti (Tummy gap)
  • Assessment and function of your Pelvic floor (external)
  • Discuss any concerns around pelvic floor issues, prolapses, leaking or pelvic girdle pain
  • Set out a plan on how to return to exercise safely
  • Introduction to your postnatal specific exercises

 Next Step...

A safe and individual post-natal exercise programme is usually given in the first session, as well as any advice for progressions and what to expect returning to exercise, and how to manage and prevention of potential post natal issues.

Follow up sessions then progress you to help your body heal, and prepare you for returning to exercise, or being able to go about your daily activities pain and worry free.

Recovery from pregnancy and child birth can take. Remember, every pregnancy, birth and recovery is different – please try not to compare yourself with anyone else. 

Looking for the Next Step after your MOT? 
Why not try our Mum & Baby Pilates classes

Find Out More

The Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is responsible for helping support your lower back and pelvis,  internal pelvic organs, continence and sexual function.   Post natal pelvic floor recover takes time, and the return to exercise should be gradual.  

 1 in 3 women have pelvic floor dysfunction and a weak pelvic floor can increase the risk of leaking, incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and back and pelvic pain.  Therefore this is an area that women need to understand how to strengthen and recover.

During out Post natal MOT we assess your pelvic floor and educate you on how to activate and strengthen, and what you might need to do to return to higher intensity exercise such as running.

Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti (mummy tummy /tummy gap) is the stretching and separation of the 2 rectus abdominal muscles (six pack) in the abdomen at the linea alba (the line down the middle of your tummy. It is a common condition that should not be feared and generally responds well to rehabilitation.

Most women have some degree of separation during pregnancy, Most of these will normalise within the first 1-8 weeks post partum. However, 35-39% of women can still present with a diastasis after this time, and therefore assessment and rehabilitation is advised.

What can I do in the mean time?