What events are you starting with?

What event are you starting your season with?

Here at NJD Sports Injuries and the Personal Training Group are giving you a list of the events we are starting with.  Hopefully it will give you an idea of what is happening and some inspiration to get signed up! 

Unfortunately the first few events of the year don’t guarantee good weather.  But if you are waiting for good weather you might be waiting while.  Lets be honest in the UK you could be waiting forever!

So just get something in your  dairy and give it a go!


24th February, Rosendale Hilly Bolton By Bowland Time Trial, 11miles

 17th March Lakeland Trails, 10km/17km trail race.

18th March, Oulton Duathlon, Run 4.3km, Bike 22km, Run 4km

1st April, Ulverston Triathlon, 400m Pool Swim, 28km road cycle, 5.8km road run.

15th April, Clitheroe Triatholon, 400m pool swim, 30km bike, 8km run

14th April, Hawkshead, 10km/17km trail race